Hi Kathy,

Child Abuse, Inc., seems to be whipping up another wave of hysteria since
the last one about the imaginary wholesale sexual abuse of children in
nursery schools ebbed.

The parents of children who die of SIDS are particularly vulnerable.  SIDS
like other diseases, notably multiple sclerosis, is a disease of exclusion.
The cause has never been found though there are numerous theories.

That homicides have been attributed to SIDS should go without saying but the
new wave of claims is going far beyond that, calling into question even the
existence of SIDS.

>Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi Sue :)
>You did a message recently on this case here's the latest I saw:
>A lawyer says police used fear and force to make his client, 69-year-old
>Marie Noe, sign a confession that reportedly says she used a pillow to
>smother at least five of her 10 children -- all of whom died as infants. 
>Prosecutors would not comment on the confession reported in the  
>Philadelphia Daily News but confirmed they are investigating the tragic 
>string of baby deaths that took place over 30 years ago. 
>Lawyer David Rudenstein says Marie and Arthur Noe were brought in for  
>questioning on March 25 by police following the publication of an 
>article in Philadelphia magazine that suggested foul play was involved 
>in the deaths. The article concluded the case would only solved by a 
>Rudenstein says Marie, who has only a fifth-grade education, was held  
>against her will, even though she complained of headaches and has a 
>history of migraines and blackouts. 
>He says: ``She was told she was not allowed to leave until she had
>signed some papers. She would have signed a peace of paper saying she 
>was the killer of Dr. King if that's what it took to leave.'' 
>Each of the Noes' 10 children died between 1949 and 1968. One died
>shortly after birth, another was stillborn, and the rest died at home 
>before they reached 15 months. 
>Life Magazine did an article in 1962 that portrayed the Noe children  
>as victims of crib death, known also as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or 
>However, a number of officials connected with the Noe case tell  
>Philadelphia magazine they suspected foul play in the deaths. 
>Rudenstein says that every expert has an opinion, but there has never  
>been any solid evidence against Maria Noe. He also cast doubt on the 
>reports of her confession, saying, ``I don't know about other cities, 
>but in Philadelphia they don't let people go after they confess to five 
>Kathy E
>"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
>isn't looking too good for you either"
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"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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