Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


* New Scientist magazine announced in January that Australian biologist
Roger Short has applied for funding from the U.S. National Institutes of
Health because he believes he can grow human sperm extraordinarily
efficiently inside the testicles of mice by injecting them with human
testes cells. 

* Henry Ingram Jr. told the Savannah (Ga.) Morning News in February that
he intends to bar all northerners from ever setting foot on any part of
his recently-acquired 1,600 acres along U.S. 17 near Hardeeville, S.C.,
and he recently recorded a deed restriction making that official.  The
ban applies to members of the "Yankee race" (through birth or at least a
year's residence), to anyone named Sherman (after the Union general),
and to anyone with a last name that is an anagram of Sherman.  Ingram is
upset at the recent development of Hilton Head Island and other
picturesque vistas in the area. 

* The Los Angeles Times reported in January on the unusual, sustained
success, in turbulent economic times, of the Cat Theater of Moscow,
Russia, whose 300-seat shows remain sold out weeks in advance.  Despite
conventional wisdom that cats are untrainable, proprietor Yuri Kuklachev
has them climbing poles, walking tightropes, pushing toy trains,
leapfrogging over human backs, and balancing atop tiny platforms. 


* In January in Zinnowitz, Germany, according to an Associated Press
report, two skinheads in a billiard hall hurled several racial insults
at Cuban pro boxer Juan Carlos Gomez, who is in town training for his
next fight.  Gomez punched the man in the face, and the skinheads left.
Three days later, a larger group of skinheads waited to confront Gomez
and his entourage in front of their hotel and resumed the insults. 
Again, Gomez punched one of them in the face, and the skinheads left. 

* The Denver Post reported in September that Jenny Roper earlier in the
year was ordered to pay her estranged husband $4,000 under Colorado's
no-fault divorce law, despite the fact that he was at the time awaiting
trial for hiring someone to kill her (and for which he was later
convicted and sentenced to 12 years in prison).  Under Colorado law,
marital misconduct is irrelevant in a divorce, and in this case Jenny
happened to be earning more than her husband. 

* In September, four special education students in Howe, Okla., filed a
lawsuit against the school system, their principal, and a teacher for a
creative history lesson that turned bad.  According to the lawsuit, the
kids were forced to portray slaves on a ship, under disgusting
circumstances, by being shackled with masking tape, being paddled, and
being imprisoned in a feces-smeared shower stall (with dirty diapers
waved in their faces) to simulate slave-ship stench. 

* A 33-year-old man was arrested in Anaheim, Calif., in November and
charged with robbing a credit union.  He attracted the attention of
police officers while walking down a street several hours after the
robbery.  In the time between the robbery and the arrest, police said,
the man had broken into an apartment and taken a business suit for a
change of clothes, but for some reason thought that he ought to change
his shoes, as well, despite the fact that the shoes he came away wearing
were fuzzy pink slippers.  Said police Sgt. Joe Vargas, "He couldn't
give us a logical reason for wearing the slippers."  While the
questioning continued, the apartment burglary report came over the
police radio, mentioning the slippers. 

* In November, Portsmouth, Va., Circuit Judge Von Piersall dismissed
charges against former high school track coach John W. Crute, 47, who
had clandestinely made videotapes of girls in a locker room.  Despite
the fact that the girls were captured in full frontal nudity, Judge
Piersall said the tapes were not lewd under Virginia law because they
portray mere nudity.  Piersall was not even persuaded by the fact that,
interspersed among the shots of the girls, Crute had spliced scenes from
hard-core pornographic videos. 

* In November, Lenexa, Kan., police chief Ellen Hanson purchased an
airline ticket in her name to go to a police conference but had to
change plans because of a family illness.  Rather than have the
department purchase another ticket for her substitute, officer Dawn
Layman, Chief Hanson made up an official police ID card with her
name and Layman's face, to present to the airline clerk.  Someone
tipped off the airline on the return trip, and after some heavy
explaining, Chief Hanson apologized. 

* The Associated Press revealed in November that Bishop Guertin High
School in Nashua, N.H., may be violating state law by employing as a
teacher a man, Shawn McEnany, 35, who had been convicted of sexual
assault.  McEnany was hired in 1990 despite two misdemeanors for
unlawful sexual contact, but a school spokesman said that McEnany was
not a risky hire because in 1990, the school was for boys only, and
McEnany's 1988 conviction involved a girl. 

* In July 1997, the Texas Supreme Court threw out a $7 million lower
court judgment for a girl who was born without fingers on her right
hand, allegedly due to her mother's having taken the controversial
morning-sickness drug Bendectin.  Dejected, the girl's lawyers filed a
motion in November asking the Court to reconsider its decision but
referring to the justices as "the nine nutty professors" and saying they
constituted the fourth horseman of the apocalypse (along with
Pestilence, Death, and Famine).  The motion was denied. 

* In October, Lyman Ray Postoak Jr., 44, was found guilty of armed
robbery in Oklahoma City, undoubtedly with the assistance of two
decisions that he made for himself.  First, he chose to act as his own
lawyer during the two-day trial.  Second, contrary to convention,
Postoak chose to wear his jail-issued orange coveralls in front of the
jury, telling the judge he felt more comfortable in jail clothes. 
Sentences are frequently long ones in Oklahoma, and this jury gave
Postoak 125 years. 


* In Rangoon, Burma, in August, Htun Wai, who as minister of health in
1988 was reported to have mistreated wounded freedom fighters by
shackling them to beds and refusing to help them, was struck by a
hit-and-run driver and died shortly afterward when no hospital would
admit him because he had no money and because no hospital employee
recognized him as a former official. 

* Road-raged motorist Delfina Gonzales Morales, 42, and her daughter,
26, taunted and tailgated the driver of a van as he exited down a ramp
on the Golden State Freeway in Sylmar, Calif., in January.  At the base
of the ramp, Morales spun around and splashed mud on the van, then sped
back up the ramp to the freeway.  However, she apparently lost her
bearings and, instead of bearing right, she kept on going straight,
directly against the traffic, immediately ran into a Federal Express
truck, and was killed instantly, along with her daughter.  (The truck
driver suffered minor injuries.) 


* Odell Sheppard was jailed in Chicago in 1987 at age 40 for contempt of
court for failing to give the whereabouts of his daughter, Deborah, then
2, in a child-custody dispute (though he has always claimed he knew
nothing).  He was finally released January 28, 1998, after Deborah's
mother passed away, ending the dispute.  And a Norwegian astrophysics
student, 39, who was first barred from Oslo University at age 22 because
he refused to bathe (contending that living a soapless life gave him a
deeper meaning of astrophysics), and who lost several court cases for
readmission against the school, filed a lawsuit in January against the
Norwegian government in order to place the matter before the European
Court of Human Rights. 
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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