Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Vi:

I don't really remember much about the case.  Just that he killed all
these people who came to work for him.  I do remember all those bodies
coming through the ER and it was horrible.

If you remember what all happened could you tell me?  I wasn't really
interested in what all happened, back then.  In fact to tell you the
truth, I just wanted to forget what little I did know.  :(

> Hi Sue,
> He was one of the worst in my book and that is saying a great deal!  He
> certainly was one of the most prolific.  Every male, including his own
> people, were no more than pieces of meat to him.  But of course that is
> probably true for most if not all SKs.
> Vi

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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