Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Vi:

Thanks, now I remember the story.  I just didn't follow it all that much
at the time.

I worked for Sacramento County Hospital/UCD at the time.  I was in my
20's and wasn't that versed in this type of thing (not that you ever

One day the administration had us close down the ER, and send what we
could to other hospitals.  Then they had to evacuate the lower floor.

The next thing I knew these cops were bringing in all these bodies. 
There seemed like there were hundreds of them, but of course there
weren't.  The smell was horrible.

It took forever to clear the air and be able to open the ER back up.  

Needless to say it was a very unpleasant and lasting experience.  One
that isn't forgotten soon.

> Hi Sue,
> This was years ago, but I will do my best.  Corona  is dead now (I
> think). Guess the other prisoners didn't like him, for he lost an eye
> when he was stabbed by another inmate while in the penitentiary doing
> Life.  He escaped the DP because California had no DP at the time he was
> tried and sentencedl..  He was given LWPOP for his crimes.
> When he ran amuk, he was the boss of a large labor crew for a California
> farmer. When a Mexican picker or laborer would arrive, Corona would meet
> him at the bus station in his pickup truck and sooner or later the new
> worker would suddenly vanish.  Or, after his work stint, Corona would
> drive a worker to the bus statiion, but the bus never pulled out with
> this particular passenger aboard.  Families made fruitless inquiries.
> The farmer never got to know his employees, leaving Corona to manage all
> of the laborers, their comings and goings.(talk about the fox guarding
> the hen house!! ) Thus, he literally got away with murder.
> This went on for years. I remember about 25 or more bodies were
> eventually found at the farm but he probably killed many, many more.  He
> died without admitting guilt for even one slaying and in fact claimed his
> innocence until the very end..
>  Vi

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1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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