Leonard Booth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


Thanks for bringing us in on this.  It seems like pretty short notice to
me.  If you're going to bail out for a while,  why did you pose this in
private to only a couple of people.  

What did you propose that you met with strong objection to.

What will the monthly cost be to keep the list going after November.  What
is involved and how much time per day or week is required to keep the list

I'm willing to volunteer some time if someone else will also.



At 04:02 AM 4/29/1998 -0400, you wrote:
>Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi all :)
>I have been considering something lately and I have made my decision, I
>really enjoy this list and what we have become :) Sure there are
>differences of opinions and sometimes some pretty heavy debating but
>through it all a common respect for each other has prevailed, that is
>appreciated :)
>One thing has been laying heavy on my mind though. I posed this in
>private to a couple of people and I was met with strong objections and
>some even threatened to leave if I do this, well I hope they don't carry
>out on their threats but I have to do what is best for me, and right now
>is not a good time for me to be the list owner of this list. I have
>several ongoing projects right now and it is not giving me the time to
>do what I need to as the LO of this list, that isn't fair to you the
>members. Plus I also want a break if not permanent at least temporary
>I suggest if you are interested in running this list you contact me in
>private, if so desired there can be a vote on the new LO of the Law
>list, and I will offer them complete support in the admin of the list
>and how to do the different files and configurations, I will also have
>Esosoft turn the list over to their name and have mine removed. As of
>right now I have the list payed up until November 1998.
>I will be stepping down effective May 4, I think that is more than
>enough time for you all to decide who you want as the new LO. In case
>anyone is wondering no I'm not leaving the list I'm just stepping down
>as the LO and I'll still post the COTD's and summaries of trials I watch
>and so on :)
>Thanks for your time :)
>Kathy E
>"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
>isn't looking too good for you either"
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