Kaye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


Remember the song o/'.. cuz you don't know what you've got til it's gone...
o/'  ?  (it had something to do with parking lots but if we stretch our
imaginations, we can make it work here...)  :)  

Anyway... you've done such a good job organizing and building this list and
you've done it without bothering us with the boring details and pretty much
spoiled us, I think....  and now you say you need a break and I understand
it... Geez is this a run-on sentence or what?   :::deep breath:::  But I
think it would be awfully majorly really hard to find anyone who could fill
your shoes.    

I can do web pages and I can do cgi and I can make a guestbook and I'm
working on Java, but being a listowner isn't on my resume...  honest.. I
just reread it and it's not there.   I don't know the first thing about
what you do behind the scenes... but I have a proposition for you.

How about if you stay on as listowner and I'll help you?  Just tell me what
to do and I'll do it... the grunt work or whatever maintainence... (is that
spelled right?)  and you continue as the moderator or mediater or governor
or headmaster/mistress or CEO or Grand Poooobah or whatever you are...  and
then later if you want it all back, it's yours.

I don't think any of us meant to take advantage of you and we've enjoyed
the list whether we actively lurk or passionatley post...  and I  for one
greatly appreciate all you've done.  So...  how about it?  Would you be
willing to go part-time rather than stepping down? 

Congrats on your histories too, btw...  you *are* a talented writer,  but
I've already told you that a hundred times.  Just don' t forget us little
people. :-D 

One more thing...  before you go getting a big head about this.  You still
can't spell fer shit. 


An identity crisis or too much time on my hands?

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