Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi All :)

I received this in email and I thought some of you might be interested
in this, I myself have NOT had the time to check these out, so I'm not
sure if you want to review these tapes or not, but just in case here
they are and a link to them:

Link: http://www.triune.ca/rcc4.htm

Resolving Conflict Creatively between Victims & Youth Offenders - "
Diversion " & " Transformation "  (http://www.triune.ca/rcc4.htm) is an
educational resource intended to raise public awareness of an
alternative to the existing justice system's approach, to provide
training and to encourage citizens to participate in community justice

The first part, "Diversion" addresses the issue of alternatives to
incarceration for low-risk offenders.  The procedure and effectiveness
of these processes are revealed through the computer-assisted
communication between a "concerned" citizen and legal professionals
including a police officer, criminologist, probation and parole officer,
prosecutor, judge and community justice representative.

The second part, "Transformation" demonstrates that principles of
reconciliation and inter-personal healing not only play a role in
preventing recidivism and restoring the communityıs overall sense of
well-being but helps victims deal with the psychological consequences of

An optional video entitled "Healing Circles " containing scenes from
Part Two, is of special interest to facilitators, school administrators,
community activists and volunteers who plan to implement this process in
their own community at any stage of a dispute between two parties.

" As a person who goes out and addresses the public on the myths and
realities of crime, I feel your video package is a worthwhile
educational program.  What I found most important was the fact that you
had real people in real situations to demonstrate your point.  ...  your
video would be an excellent instrument in teaching new and existing
staff about the issues of Diversion and Victim-Offender Mediation. The
memory of the "Healing Circle" video still invokes a strong emotional
response."  -  Troy Bolton,
Supervisor, Community Development, Operation Springboard, Scarborough

"Tape One -  excellent overview to present to volunteers and to
communities to promote understanding; Tape Two - also excellent for
training and education purposes; Tape Three - so like family group
conference model, is good resource to educate volunteers and model after
the illustrated example ..." - Sandra Sobkowich, Coordinator
Victim/Offender Reconciliation,
Calgary John Howard Society

"Healing Circles is quite interesting and a good learning tool in
getting communities to begin to discuss and explore more satisfying and
healing responses to crime"   -   Rick Prashaw, Communications
Coordinator, The Church Council on Justice and Corrections, Ottawa

Resolving Conflict Creatively in the School Community
Resolving Conflict Creatively in the Multicultural Community

For inquiries about ordering, previewing, and costs please contact:

Triune Arts
517 Wellington Street West
Suite 207
Toronto, Ontario
M5V 1E9

Fax: 416.586.0879
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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