Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Jackie:

Do you think that maybe all the publicity that the kids in Jonesboro and
in the other two shooting, could maybe be a part of the reason that
there is more of it lately than usual.  There was another incident of it
in LA yesterday.  One kid was hurt, and none were killed thank God.  But
it seems like it is becoming a daily occurrence lately.  Florida had one
yesterday too.  :(

Then we had the guy shoot his head off on the freeway in front of
millions the other day.  Now that was weird.  I was just kinda listening
to the chase, not paying any attention, when they said he had a gripe
with HMO's and was laying a sign out on the freeway.  I started watching
to see what was going on (big mistake) and the next thing I knew his
truck caught on fire, and he blew his head off.  

I really don't think it was necessary for some of the cameras to be
right up there in his face when he did it either.  They had plenty of
warning that this guy  was going to do something.  The part that really
got to me though, was I had it on a cartoon channel so Steven could
watch the motions on the screen, and they went away from the cartoons to
show this.  I know it won't effect Steven in any way, he only likes to
watch the colors and movement, but how about the thousands of older
children who were watching those cartoons.

The public has a right to know, but just how much do they need to see? 
And how much of this stuff is causing more, and more of it to happen
because of the "publics right to know".  I wonder.

> Hi Sue
> The jury was selected and opening remarks will begin.  Nothing in paper today about 
>this at all.
> Read about the selection process for hiring a new president for the college and that 
>the state
> university faculty belonging to IFO have voted to authorize a strike.  Our union has 
> settled ours so here we don't worry.  Yes it is nice not to have the headlines 
>filled with
> violence and in some respects to read about the positive things happening in the 
>community.  But,
> sometimes it seems like they think if they put their head in the sand, all the 
> will go away.  I wish there was a better balance in the newspapers.  I would know 
>nothing about
> the Clinton, little about Jonesboro, etc. if I relied on this paper for my news.
> jackief
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1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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