"Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jackie - I am so pleased that you are willing to consider this. I agree
with what you are posting.  Definitely 'energy' is working here, maybe
Doc or another lister knows.  BTW you have the open and inquiring mind
of a true researcher and I think you will be quite a contributor. Ride
that null hyothesis! Don't mean to pontificate or sound like an expert,
I'm sure from the posts that others feel the same.  Go for it! And let
us know! Meanwhile I'll keep an eye open (out from under my magnet hat!)
Just kidding, don't have a hat.    :) LDMF.
------------------------Jackie Fellows wrote:------------------------
> Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Linda
> This makes sense to me, somehow.  Wouldn't that in some respects be similar
> to acupuncture??  In using certain metals in the needles wouldn't that do
> something with the ions in our bodies?  Boy, you can tell I am less than
> informed about the physical side of a person.  And, if magnetism can balance
> the organism to reduce pain, then the opposite should hold true--in an
> environment where the electromagnetic field is altered, shouldn't it create
> conditions in which pain occurs??
> jackief
> Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff wrote:
> > "Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > Greetings Jackie, I wonder if the following ties in. It is the flip
> > side, but I think it might be related because what 'helps' can be the
> > flip side of what 'hurts'.
> >
> > Currently on a medical topic list we are discussing the use of magnets
> > to reduce pain. Seems that when they are placed on the body it increases
> > the flow of blood to an area, that is it aids circulation.  Now, there
> > are different precursor states: might be trauma, might be inherent, even
> > genetic wiring that brings on the pain - anyway it might not be so far
> > afield from general discusssions of magnetism and organisms.  C U Soon,
> > :) LDMF.
> >
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