Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Terry:

There are two reasons why I wonder about her story, other than the fact
that things do seem to get added. 

First being she took until just a short time before the statue of
limitations ran out to file her claim.  If she was so humiliated and
hurt why did it take so long?

Secondly she was id'd as only Paula in the obscure magazine The
Spectator, and no one even knew who this person was even if they
happened to be the one person who happened to read this publication.

Now she is saying that her sexual ability has decreased due to this
happening.  Which IMO is something that will be impossible to prove one
way or the other.  

> Let me just reiterate the evidence about what occurred:
> Clinton says:
> a. He never met Jones.
> b. He can't remember meeting Jones.
> c. But he can remember it didn't happen.
> Paula Jones says:
> a.  She met Clinton.
> b.  He made a sexual assault on her.
> c.  She told witnesses.
> d.  She was threatened and humiliated to keep her quiet.
> Witnesses say:
> a.  It happened.
> b.  She told them Clinton assaulted her, except
> - Trooper Ferguson says:
>          Jones wanted to be assaulted.
> - Jones sister says:
>         Jones was happy to be assaulted.
> - Other witnesses say:
>         Jones was unhappy to be assaulted.
> c.  Jones was intimidated and humiliated on the job.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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