Graeme Geldenhuys schrieb:

> I get the following error:
> -------------------------------
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/programming$ ./lazarus.gtk1
> ./lazarus.gtk1: error while loading shared libraries:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or
> directory
> -------------------------------
> The remote system is Ubuntu 8.04 LTS - 64bit.  Normally you can run
> 32bit software on a 64bit OS. But I'm not having any luck with
> Lazarus.

Did you compile Lazarus for 32 or 64 bit (--target?)?

Try ldd to find out what Lazarus links to on your build and target systems.

IMO your target system should have the according library directories, 
i.e. lib/ for 32 and/or lib64/ for 64 bit binaries. See also my answer 
on "[Lazarus] Error during linkage editing".

> /usr/lib/ symlink already. So now I'm out of ideas.

IMO that should be the 32 bit version. But I'm not very familiar with
linux myself :-(


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