I have made a bug entry and added there a first patch (its not the final one, but its late here now). Can you check, if it fixes the speed on your OS too (I have tested only Windows 7 for now)?


Thank you for your feedback!

Kind regards


Am 02.11.2016 um 20:26 schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys via Lazarus:
On 2016-11-02 18:43, Luca Olivetti via Lazarus wrote:
Maybe it's overkill, but it's necessary under windows,
Welcome to the benefits of custom components where you can easily
outperform native components.

Just curious, has anybody tried the TMemo of LCL-CustomDrawn widgetset?
I know the LCL-CustomDrawn components are still far from being useful in
real-world applications, but how does that TMemo perform against the
other native widgetsets? Or is the regression in some LCL TMemo common code?

I tried LCL-fpGUI with Bernd's code snippet, and it is dog slow, but
that is because Memo.Lines.BeginUpdate..EndUpdate doesn't do anything to
the fpGUI rendering performance. fpGUI has "native"
Memo.BeginUpdate..EndUpdate methods (at widget level - irrespective of
the internal list class used). I'll see if I can fix LCL-fpGUI's TMemo
in that regard, so it calls the appropriate BeginUpdate..EndUpdate.


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