On 2017-10-27 15:13, Michael Van Canneyt via Lazarus wrote:
... Recently we had a java service completely unresponsive for
    30 seconds, it was doing GC... Not acceptable at all.

[on a side note - no need for a response]

I believe that could be down to a configuration issue or something else - not necessarily the Java language or VM or GC to be blamed for that. I say that because otherwise Stock Exchanges (they love Java), real-time robotics, banking (they really really love Java) etc would not be using Java... And here in the UK 8 out of every 10 Java jobs was one of these business sectors. At least that was my personal experience. Those business sectors would definitely not put up with 30 seconds of unresponsive services. Imagine the London Stock Exchange has a 30 second outage - that will be like a lifetime to them!

Interestingly you mentioned Tomcat. My new employer has plenty of issues with Embarcadero's License Server software - Java based and runs under Tomcat. Sometimes the license server process hangs - which invalidates all Delphi instances in the company (that's an issue for another time). The License Server in our company runs on a Windows machine and that process hangs so badly that Windows Server itself can't kill it. The Windows server needs to be rebooted to resolve the issue! So is that down to bad programming (possible), a bug in Tomcat (possible, but unlikely considering how popular it is and used - the issue would have been well known if it existed), a bug in Windows or something else. Who knows.


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