On 11 January 2018 at 19:22, Werner Pamler via Lazarus <
lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

> Please open "dblookupcombobox.inc" (in (lazarus)/lcl/include), find the
> method TDBLookupCombobox.Select and replace it by the following code which
> restores the code before r56990/r55911 for the case that the lookupcombobox
> is not ReadOnly. Your demo works here. Please test carefully - as you see I
> don't have any experience with that ominous Unbound mode...

Many thanks.  Applying the code to my copy of Trunk (and then removing my
TBufDataset workaround) appears to have completely resolved my issues with
TDBLookupCombobox as well.


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