On 02/10/2020 22:48, Sven Barth via lazarus wrote:

Are they strictly monospaced?

Is there something that needs to be enabled to get ligatures working on Windows? I'm using Microsoft's Cascadia Code for example in VS 2019 where ligatures work correctly, but in Lazarus nothing happens. The ligatures have the same widths as the equal N characters (so the ligature for <> has the same width as both characters together).
If you use the following to output on a plain canvas

procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject);
  r: TRect;
  s: String;
  r.Top := 0;
  r.Left := 0;
  r.Bottom := 50;
  r.Right := 50;
  s := 'abcdef';
  LCLIntf.ExtUTF8Out(Canvas.Handle, 10, 10, ETO_OPAQUE+ETO_CLIPPED, @r, @s[1], 5, nil)


Do you get the ligature?
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