Florian Klaempfl schrieb:

I still stand to my argument that wrapping
existing components on each platform (instead of creating custom
written ones) is a disaster!

As far as I understood, it's an axiom of the lazarus project to use the
native widgetset ;)

...what implies that not all components will be available or work the same on all widgetsets :-(

While I agree that native look and feel is important for the acceptance of applications, I disagree that *everything* must work the same on every platform. A set of simple and commonly used components can be made available on all platforms and widgetsets, but everything else should not be considered as a release hindrance. He who wants easy cross-platform development has to be happy with the common denominator of the target platforms, or with a platform-independent solution like fpGUI (Java...). And he who wants best integration into every target platform will have to supply according specialization of his GUI and related code.

I'd not whine when e.g. skins and themes are not implemented (in the same way) for all platforms and components, which have no or different support for such things. But I'd whine when I had to respect the special requirements of *every* platform and component in my design and source code, even if I do not want to support really *all* available platforms and *every* possible eye candy.

Delphi "X" will come as a Windows hosted cross-platform development system, and I wonder what set of components and properties it will support. A Lazarus "X" version could provide the same just now, off the shelf, *and* with a native IDE on every platform. It would do no harm to remove some problematic features and components from an LCL "X", as long as there exists no compatibility pressure (vs. Delphi "X"). The IDE itself could become the proof of which components and features have to work, in order to qualify the according part of the LCL for "X". In a next step or branch all parts can be added to an LCL "X++", which are not fully supported on all platforms.


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