
Who is the official maintainers of OnGuard located in the Lazarus CCR

The wiki page doesn't give much information about who maintains it, what is
(not) working etc.

I want to use the OnGuard components with a non-GUI projects and non-LCL
based projects. To be able to do that it needs a lot of code clean-up and
code restructuring. A clean svn checkout of OnGuard yesterday ( r1156 )
also doesn't compile out of the box - but with a quick work-around I
managed to get it working to a point. But this highlights the point that it
is not actively being maintained.

Anyway, I don't know if my changes will be in-line with the goals of
Lazarus CCR. Remember, I only use fpGUI Toolkit for my GUI projects. So I
don't know if working inside Lazarus CCR is the best choice - for myself or
Lazarus CCR. So maybe I should start fresh, from the original Delphi
OnGuard code, or fork the copy in Lazarus CCR. The fork will probably be
less effort for me, but I can't guarantee backward compatibility with LCL.
I'm on a tight schedule and will only be able to test with fpGUI and
console applications.

So this is really a courtesy email to anybody interested in OnGuard
components. I think I will go with forking the Lazarus CCR code for now and
publish my changes somewhere on the internet. The official maintainers (if
there are any) are welcome to backport my changes to Lazarus CCR - if you
think it is appropriate. If you think we can work together, I am willing to
discuss this further.

A quick question to anybody that previously worked on OnGuard:

* What is the IBO_CONSOLE defines for? What is IBO?

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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