Am 10.01.2011 12:57, schrieb Michael Schnell:
On 01/10/2011 12:39 PM, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
I think implementing LCL-fpGUI widgetset in Lazarus
would be the easiest widgetset from the lot

Yep, but the API between the no-Widget-Type depending LCL parts and the
Widget set seems quite complex (using some kind of registration for the
available classes of controls etc) and the parts that are necessary to
be implemented for all Widget types (i. e the event queue and the
interface to same for non-widget-set depending stuff (TTimer, inter
Process Messaging, you name it) ) is currently not centralized, but
needs to be re-implemented with each new widget type.

The form designer supposedly would need to use the "design mediator" API.

I'll repeat that again:
The "design mediator" API is only needed when one wants to design pure non-LCL fpGUI applications. For LCL-fpGUI the "normal" LCL designer is used.


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