On 20/04/2011 11:59, Juha (gmail) wrote:
> Sorry I don't. I remember someone mentioned it during the ESS-Model port 
> discussion but I didn't find it in the original thread:

No problem, I'll search the documentation on Embarcadero's site.

> I screwed my code badly and then didn't want to touch such tool any more.

hehehe... The same experience I had.

> But, a 1-way reverse engineering class diagram tool with automatic layouting 
> would be very useful.

Maybe for small projects, but for any medium to large scale project,
such a tool is useless too. See the following URL as to why I say that.


Our class design is way to large to fit on any paper our printers can
handle, or what can even be displayed on a single screen. So we have to
segment our UML class diagrams to specific areas of our product - only
showing the classes in question. eg: Account Invoicing, Learner
Registration, etc.  Anything larger and it is information overload!

So your idea of selecting what classes to diagram is vital.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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