2011/8/9 Juan Sánchez <aldeac...@gmail.com>:
> Hello Marcos,
>     I hasn't any problem building all IDE in menu in Windows7 with last svn
> (31925) and FPC from svn (2.7.1). The only problem for me came from Zeos
> components (ZAbstractRODataset in line 3114 that check for FPC2_1UP to
> let ftString and ftBlob and it seems that it's not defined in new FPC) but,
> al least in Windows7, there's not seem to be problem on building all IDE (I
> build it in Optimized IDE mode with options of clean all and update
> "revision.inc" checked).

I'm using FPC 2.5.1 (fixes_2_6) but I don't think that is the problem.
There is no problem with Zeos too, because I can use it in Lazarus
/branches/fixes_0_9_30/ with FPC 2.5.1 now.

IMHO, the 'Build all' menu isn't working in trunk (on WinXP).

Marcos Douglas

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