09.08.2011 23:07, Marcos Douglas пишет:
2011/8/9 Juan Sánchez<aldeac...@gmail.com>:
Hello Marcos,

     I hasn't any problem building all IDE in menu in Windows7 with last svn
(31925) and FPC from svn (2.7.1). The only problem for me came from Zeos
components (ZAbstractRODataset in line 3114 that check for FPC2_1UP to
let ftString and ftBlob and it seems that it's not defined in new FPC) but,
al least in Windows7, there's not seem to be problem on building all IDE (I
build it in Optimized IDE mode with options of clean all and update
"revision.inc" checked).

I'm using FPC 2.5.1 (fixes_2_6) but I don't think that is the problem.
There is no problem with Zeos too, because I can use it in Lazarus
/branches/fixes_0_9_30/ with FPC 2.5.1 now.

IMHO, the 'Build all' menu isn't working in trunk (on WinXP).

It does work indeed. Check your installed packages.

Best regards,
 Maxim Ganetsky                  mailto:gan...@narod.ru

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