Am 2013-04-30 14:38, schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:
On 2013-04-30 10:52, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
What I can say is that, given the purpose of beginupdate/endupdate,
in the above code, using beginupdate/endupdate is totally pointless.

Indeed. BeginUpdate/EndUpdate should be outside the loop.

Yes, from a programmers point of view this is completely pointless if you 
surround a single assignment with these commands.

But it seems that internally a lot more is done which is *not* embraced with 
these commands. That's realy tricky because (again) you need to know about the 
internals to do the right thing. Of course, if you do many changes to TMemo and 
each would raise Begin/EndUpdate pairs internally it would slow down everything 
significantly I think. So if you know all this it makes sense. But this 
information should be written to the TMemo doku at .

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