Am 2013-04-30 20:45, schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:
> If that is the case, then it is a bug in LCL. Even if there are nested
> Begin/EndUpdate calls, that should make no difference. As long as those
> calls are in pairs, and as soon as the last EndUpdate is called, then
> the whole component should refresh/repaint - that includes contents,
> scrollbar adjustment etc.

Yes, after thinking about it a bit more there should be an internal 
Begin/EndUpdate somewhere in the corresponding LCL routine. I first thought 
that each Begin/EndUpdate pair causes code generation but actually it is the 
opposite (if nesting is allowed).

> That's how it works in Delphi's VCL and in fpGUI. Nothing complicated or
> tricky. Before you populate any GUI component with large amounts of
> data, call BeginUpdate before and EndUpdate after.

Yes, if the *programmer* does multiple things to a GUI component. But here it 
was only a single assignment which should not require Begin/EndUpdate but this 
assignment seems to cause multiple things internally which make it flicker .

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