Le 09/08/2013 10:22, Mattias Gaertner a écrit :
clamav3.pas(324,12) Error: Forward declaration not solved
"OpenLongFileName(const AnsiString,const LongInt):QWord;"

Any comment ?
Maybe there is a unit in your implementation uses section that
redefines THandle.
On the declaration (following Ctrl + mouse left click) leads to QWord: THandle --> PtrUInt (LCLType) --> QWord (systemh.inc) on the implementaion: THnadle --> System.THandle (sysutilf.inc) --> THandle --> LongInt (sysosh.inc)

Well done. In the interface units uses declares: LCLIntf, LCLType, LMessages, FileUtil;
In the implemantaion uses declares   Classes,  sysutils;
OK. It is a Delphi conversion and I didn't pay enough attention to it

But the isn't there some ambiguity between LCL declarations and FPC declarations for what is obviously the same type ?
Thanks Mattias,



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