On 17/04/2014 04:46, Marcos Douglas wrote:

I'm using FPC 2.6.5 (fixes_2_6) and Lazarus trunk on Windows.
The GDB is updated too, here:

I run my program using the IDE and when program closes the IDE returns
the error below... and doesn't matter if I run on Debug mode or not.

While executing the command:
"TGDBMIDebuggerInstruction: "-file-exec-and-symbols ","
gdb reported:
"&"../../gdb-7.2/gdb/printcmd.c:1916: internal-error:
clear_dangling_display_expressions: Assertion `objfile->pspace ==
solib->pspace' failed.\nA problem internal to GDB has been
detected,\nfurther debugging may prove unreliable.""

Could you help me?

Looks like a bug in gdb to me. Could be anything.

It may be fixed in later versions of gdb. (7.7 is current)
But for 32bit windows 7.2 is still considered the best choice. (this is due to http://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=14018 / happens often after fileopen/close dialog)

I have not yet tested 7.7 with the IDE, but if you accept the above bug, 7.6 was tested with the IDE and the IDE deals with it. (And 7.7 is probably compatible too). Yet 7.5.9 to 7.6.1 were terrible unstable. (7.7 not tested). 7.5.1 was fine, except for the above.

Since the above error only happens after the debug session, it will only affect the next session. And it adds the clicks to confirm the error.

As for the next debug session, there is a checkbox in the options "Reset debugger after each run"

The only other thing I can thing off, and this is just a guess: The error points to something with dll (solib). Sometimies gdb has issues with debug info it finds on dll. try http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/GDB_Debugger_Tips#gdb.exe_has_stopped_working in the field "debugger_startup_options" enter: --eval-command="set auto-solib-add off"

But I have no idea if that is going to change anything.

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