On 12/21/2014 03:37 PM, Juha Manninen wrote:
On Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 1:35 AM, Giuliano Colla
<giuliano.co...@fastwebnet.it> wrote:
It might be a timing issue. Sort of you tell Qt to do something on a new tab
when it's not yet finished with the previous one. Actually the total number
of tabs turns out to be less than expected. I've tested on a 32 bit dual
core @1.33 GHz. I'm setting up a new platform 64 bit quad core @2.5 GHz. As
soon as it's fully configured, I'll test there, and see if there's a

I don't believe it is a timing issue, AFAIK we are dealing with a
single threaded code after all.
Is it a bug in QT component or LCL-QT, I don't know. According to my
debugging the palette code is correct, and indeed it works with other

What could be exact bug with Qt ? Any example project ? What is exactly affected ?


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