Martin Frb wrote:
On 11/10/2015 17:33, Bo Berglund wrote:
I have investigated further now and when I use the Pi directly
(monitor connected to Pi and keyboard/mouse too) then the {} keys do
When I noticed the problem I was using TightVNC to remotely access the
GUI. So somehow VNC might be involved here.

Never had time to work on it, and probably wont have anytime soon.

See note in bug. I dont know if same timestamp is allowed or if that is an issue in VNC. But in the LCL (for any custom control) it is interpreted as, this is the same keystroke, therefore it was already handled.

There's been an issue with shift keys- particularly multiple shift keys- in VNC for a long time, and I think that more testing is in order before blaming Lazarus.

Specifically, back in the Delphi days I'd use a doubleclick on something with three shift keys pressed to enter "guru mode" (e.g. to resize windows that were normally locked), and I'm pretty sure that when I started accessing our application servers over VNC I had to relax this to any two shift keys.

If there's a shift-key problem under VNC, but it does not show up with any non-VNC connection (i.e. local X11 session, remote X11 session using e.g. XDMCP, or X11 tunneled over SSH) then it's definitely not a Lazarus issue.

If a Lazarus/LCL program works properly on a local X11 session, and there's shift key problems over one or more of the remote X11 connection types (remote using e.g. XDMCP, X11 tunneled over SSH) then it's probably worth looking whether anything in Lazarus or the LCL could be improved.

There's at least two VNC implementations in Debian and derivatives: Real VNC on everything except ARM as the default, and TightVNC on (I think) almost everything; there's also RDP implementations in most desktop environments for remote support purposes. The open source RealVNC implementation is now falling behind reality, VNC (Ltd, or Inc, or whatever they call themselves) are only maintaining a closed source version although I believe binaries are available for free download for small-scale use. I don't know to what extent TightVNC is in a better position.

If this continues to be a problem for anybody, I'd suggest duplicating it on an x86 system using RealVNC, and then seeing if it's fixed in their closed-source version. If it is, then confer with the Debian (etc.) VNC maintainers.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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