Bo Berglund wrote:
When I try to run a very small Console Application for testing Indy10
using the green arrow run button I get a pop-up message box saying:
The GDB command: "-gdb-set confirm off" did not return any result

If I build the program instead and go to a terminal window to execute
it, then it works as it should.

Platform: Raspberry Pi2 with ARM7 running Raspbian Jessie
FPC 3.1.1 built from sources as root
Lazarus 1.5 SVN 50059 built inside the Pi home as user pi
Test sources in Pi hme as well
TCPIP: Using Indy10 copied over from my PC using a samba share
(so the files for Indy have Windows line endings)

What could cause the GDB problem? Line endings or what?

What version of gdb i.e. use the  gdb --version  command.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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