Koenraad Lelong wrote:
Op 17-12-15 om 11:36 schreef Mark Morgan Lloyd:
$ fpc -iV
# Unpack 1.6RC1, rename directory to lazarus-1.6.0+3.0.0
$ cd lazarus-1.6.0+3.0.0
$ make bigide
make[1]: Leaving directory ...

The result runs, including on Raspbian Jessie's GTK2. The only obvious
thing that I'd fault is that the lazarus binary (i.e. specifically
referring to the IDE) is poor at handling --help and --version. However


I tried what you said. Lazarus runs indeed, but can't compile a existing project. I get an error stating fpcres could not be found. When I run fpcres on the command-line it starts and gives some output.

I also can't compile lazarus itself (e.g. after adding packages). I also get the error that fpcres can not be found.

Am I missing something ?

I know this sounds silly, but check fpcres is on the path. My experience it that for Lazarus it's the only program that's needed apart from fpc and ppcarm etc.

Apart from that... on Raspbian Jessie some projects work and others don't. The one I've got here where I can see a problem also fails on 1.4.4+3.0.0, I think the problem might be when a .lfm is outside the normal project directory.

I'm about to take a look at other platforms.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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