A.J Venter wrote:
On Thursday 08 September 2005 00:27, Marc Weustink wrote:

A.J Venter wrote:

So nobody has an answer :(

Oh well, I'll just redo them as TFunkyMemo's, that handles every language
I've thrown at it so far. Was hoping to avoid that though, it's a lot of
overtext for plain text.

TBH, At first I had no clue of what your problem was.

THere are only Lower ascii chars in you lang files or do they have some
ISO encoding ?
In the latter case, what is yout LANG setting ?

The files are plain text, but almost certainly not plain ASCII, after all they contain other languages, thus far French, Afrikaans and Portoguese. They show up perfectly in vim and also in ever graphical editor I've tried. The LANG setting is probably on EN-US and would be a tricky one to change as the language is supposed to be altered "live" by a selection during the installer.

I was speculating that if LANG would be EN-US.UTF8 gtk2 would threat text as being utf8. But I'm not that close to utf anf gtk2 implementations. What text does a TMemo return if you paste the text form a graphical editor into the memo ? And maybe as a hack around your problems, can't you "translate" your text to UTB8 ?


My current design is simple, each language has all the message files in a tarbal named after the language, I read all the file names and show a drop down list, the user chooses, I extract his chosen selection and and move on with the next dialog. The actuall installer is written in bash, but I use lazarus created dialogs to ask questions, show menu's etc. Simliar to using something like xmessage actually, but I get to make all the dialogs look alike and follow the OpenLab GUI designs. I'm open to suggestion here, though I'm getting close to my deadlines :( - trouble is I couldn't even ASK for translations until all the messages were finalized (for obvious reasons) so their the last thing to happen, and I wasn't expecting difficulties.

Is there some way I can tell a TMemo to handle UTF-16 instead ? Possibly with a fileheader ? I'm pretty sure there's nothing in there that can't be displayed by UTF-16, it's not like I've had any translations to asian languages.


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