Mattias Gaertner wrote:
On Mon, 12 Sep 2005 14:23:54 +0200
Marc Weustink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:



It took me a bit more time than anticipated, but I have prepared a patch
that will incorporate an FPDoc editor/viewer into lazarus.


Applied with $IFDEF EnableLazDoc. I fixed the override of Mouse and Key events.

I tried it on some piece of LCLProc. I ran into the following when I tried to commit the result to svn: WriteXMLFile(doc, FDocFileName) creates a new xml file. Multiline descriptions have windows line endings, but line ending generated by XMLWrite are just #10.

TortoiseSVN then complains that the lclproc.xml has inconsistant newlines.

Maybe the XMLWrite unit should generate line-endings that are conformant to the OS it is running on. Or does the XML-specification dictate unix line-endings?

A general note to ourself (=laz devels), is it possible to add such as package ?

What package?

Like this:
- Create a LazDe.lpk, probably a design time package.
- Install it.
- Restart lazarus and you get the new menu item and the form.

The question is: can we use packages to install add-ins (or plug-ins) into the IDE? Then we can offer this dialog as a plug-in package that people can install (and we don't need $IFDEF in lazarus itself).


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