On Sun, 06 Nov 2005 08:14:42 +0100
dannym <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> attached is an initial patch to make the gtk 2.6 filechooser work for
> lazarus (lcl).
> Still needs some gtk version detection magic I guess (if we want to
> support gtk2 < 2.6, that is)
> Note that gtk 2.8 contains:
> void        gtk_file_chooser_set_do_overwrite_confirmation
>                                             (GtkFileChooser *chooser,
>                                              gboolean
>                                              do_overwrite_confirmation);
> However, that's probably _too_ new ;)

Thanks for the patch. There are a few issues:

- 2.4 is still used. Can you enclose the changes in {$IFDEF HasGTK2_6}?
- You made some methods virtual - good. But you do not use the inherited
code and instead copy big parts. Either split the gtk1 methods, so you only
need to override the different parts or move the method bodies into include


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