So does nobody know what I'm doing wrong ? Or is it not a problem in my code ? 
Any idea what I should check ?

On Monday 18 September 2006 15:17, A.J. Venter wrote:
> I have just started on a new project, which is mysql backed - beginning
> with a fairly abstract unit which a large number of different lazarus
> programs will use to communicate with the DB.
> But I ran into a very strange problem quite early on, I can connect to the
> DB without hassles, but as soon as I try to do a query - I get a crash, and
> I have no idea why... :S
> My current test calls look like this:
> ZC_DBConnect;
> ZC_Settings : TZC_Settings.Create;
>       Writeln(ZC_Settings.GetPricePerUnit);
> TraceBack says it's crashing on line 96:
>   if (mysql_query(socket,pchar(Query)) < 0) then
> The unit in full goes:
> unit libzybacafe;
> {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
> interface
> uses
>   Classes, SysUtils,dialogs,mysql4;
> procedure ZC_DBConnect;
> Function ZC_DBQuery(Query:String):PMYSQL_RES;
> type
>   TZC_Settings = class
>   private
>    {Private Declarations}
>          FCurrencySymbol : String;
>          FUnitLength : Integer;
>          FPricePerUnit : Real;
>          FResult : PMySQL_RES;
>          FRow: MYSQL_ROW;
>          Procedure LoadFromDB;
>          Procedure SaveToDB;
>     public
>     { public declarations }
>          Function GetCurrencySymbol : String;
>          Function GetUnitLength : Integer;
>          Function GetPricePerUnit: Real;
>          Procedure SetCurrencySymbol(NewSymbol:String);
>          Procedure SetUnitLength(NewLength:Integer);
>          Procedure SetPricePerUnit(NewPrice : Real);
>   end;
> Var
>  Socket : PMysQL;
> implementation
> procedure ZC_DBConnect;
> Var
>     DBCFG : TSTringList;
>     I : Integer;
>     H,U,P,D : String;
>   qmysql : TMYSQL;
>   alloc : PMYSQL;
> Begin
> DBCFG := TSTringList.Create;
> Try
> {$IFDEF Unix}
>    DBCFG.LoadFromFile('/etc/zybacafe.cfg');
> {$ENDIF}
> {$IFDEF Win32}
>    DBCFG.LoadFromFile('C:\Program Files\ZybaCafe\zybacafe.cfg');
> {$ENDIF}
> except
>       ShowMessage ('Error Loading database configuration !');
>       Halt;
> end;
> For I := 0 to DBCFG.Count -1 do
> begin
>      If pos('HOST=',uppercase(DBCFG[I])) <> 0 then
>         begin
>              H := DBCFG[I];
>              Delete(H,1,pos('=',H));
>         end;
>      If pos('USERNAME=',uppercase(DBCFG[I])) <> 0 then
>         begin
>              U := DBCFG[I];
>              Delete(U,1,pos('=',U));
>         end;
>      If pos('PASSWORD=',uppercase(DBCFG[I])) <> 0 then
>         begin
>              P := DBCFG[I];
>              Delete(P,1,pos('=',P));
>         end;
>      If pos('DATABASE=',uppercase(DBCFG[I])) <> 0 then
>         begin
>              D := DBCFG[I];
>              Delete(D,1,pos('=',D));
>         end;
> end;
>  alloc := mysql_init(PMYSQL(@qmysql));
>   socket :=  mysql_real_connect(alloc, pchar(h), pchar(u),
> pchar(p),pchar(d), 0, nil, 0);
>   if socket=Nil then
>     begin
>          ShowMessage('Error connecting to
> database:'+LineEnding+StrPas(mysql_error(@qmysql)));
>          halt;
>     end;
> end;
> Function ZC_DBQuery(Query:String):PMYSQL_RES;
> Var RecBuf : PMYSQL_RES;
> Begin
>   if (mysql_query(socket,pchar(Query)) < 0) then
>      begin
>        ShowMessage('Query failed '+ StrPas(mysql_error(socket)));
>      end
> else
>      begin
>        recbuf := mysql_store_result(socket);
>        if RecBuf=Nil then
>        begin
>          ShowMessage('Query returned nil result.');
>        end else
>         ZC_DBQuery := RecBuf;
>      end;
> end;
> Procedure TZC_Settings.LoadFromDB;
> Var Result : PMYSQL_RES;
>     Q : String;
> Begin
>     FResult := ZC_DBQuery('SELECT * FROM settings;');
>     FRow := Mysql_Fetch_Row(FResult);
>      If FRow = Nil then
>      begin
>         showMessage('You have no stored site-settings.'+LineEnding+'Setting
> all to defaults');
>         FCurrencySymbol := '$';
>         FUnitLength := 1;
>         FPricePerUnit := 1.0;
>          Q := 'INSERT INTO settings VALUES("","'+FCurrencySymbol;
>          Q :=
> Q+'","'+IntToStr(FUnitLength)+'","'+FloatToStr(FPricePerUnit)+'");';
>          Result := ZC_DBQuery(Q);
>      end else
>      begin
>        FCurrencySymbol := FRow[1];
>        FUnitLength := StrToInt(FRow[2]);
>        FPricePerUnit := StrToFloat(FRow[3]);
>      end;
> end;
> Procedure TZC_Settings.SaveToDB;
> Var
> Query : String;
> Begin
>    Query := 'UPDATE TABLE settings SET currencysymbol="'+FCurrencySymbol;
>    Query := Query+'",unitlength="'+IntToStr(FUnitLength);
>    Query := Query+'",priceperunit="'+FloatToStr(FPricePerUnit)+';';
>    FResult := ZC_DBQuery(Query);
> end;
> Function TZC_Settings.GetCurrencySymbol : String;
> Begin
>      LoadFromDB;
>      GetCurrencySymbol := FCurrencySymbol;
> end;
> Function TZC_Settings.GetUnitLength : Integer;
> Begin
>      LoadFromDB;
>      GetUnitLength := FUnitLength;
> end;
> Function TZC_Settings.GetPricePerUnit: Real;
> Begin
>      LoadFromDB;
>      GetPricePerUnit := FPricePerUnit;
> end;
> Procedure TZC_Settings.SetCurrencySymbol(NewSymbol:String);
> Begin
>      FCurrencySymbol := NewSymbol;
>      SaveToDB;
> end;
> Procedure TZC_Settings.SetUnitLength(NewLength:Integer);
> Begin
>      FUnitLength := NewLength;
>      SaveToDB;
> end;
> Procedure TZC_Settings.SetPricePerUnit(NewPrice : Real);
> Begin
>     FPricePerUnit := NewPrice;
>     SaveToDB;
> end;
> initialization
> end.

"80% Of a hardware engineer's job is application of the uncertainty principle.
80% of a software engineer's job is pretending this isn't so."
A.J. Venter
Chief Software Architect
OpenLab International           | +27 83 455 99 78 (South Africa)       | 086 654 2898 (Fax)    | +55 118 162 2079 (Brazil)
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