Marc Weustink wrote:
Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
Dominique Louis wrote:
Has anyone else encountered a problem on Mac OS X where by when you try to perform a TImage.Picture.Assign( my_image ); it causes an access violation?

In this case the my_image is a TBitmap, if that makes any difference.
Are there any Bitmap types that Lazarus cannot load?

Pardon my ignorance, but is that a bigendian or littlendian architecture?

I'm trying to track down what might be the same type of problem on SPARC under Linux, but I'm afraid that I've got my hands rather full of (off-project) stuff at present.

Is sparc BE ?


Working from memory rather than notes a form icon works OK on Win-32 and x86-Linux except that it might get turned upside-down (that might be specific to BMP rather than XPM). However it causes various exceptions in the IDE on SPARC to the extent that a form won't load into the designer, although compilation works and the result is runnable. I got as far as suspecting that there were related problems.

I must stress that the above might be unreliable since I'm not working from a methodical set of experiments and notes, it's something I hope to get back onto as soon as I have time.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

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