On Thu, 29 Nov 2007, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

> On 28/11/2007, Michael Van Canneyt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > As for not being able to open older projects' form files: this can be
> > expected, and should normally be a 1-time issue if you correct the .lfm
> > files. It can happen too if you switch between Delphi versions. (although
> > usually in the other direction: opening newer form files with older delphi
> > versions)
> Ok, so what's my excuse then?  :-) I don't use LCL in my applications,
> so don't have .lfm files, yet if I open different projects (console,
> fpGUI etc..) it randomly kills Lazarus.  And no, the projects aren't
> old, they are all currently being developed.  I'll try and find more
> information, but as I stated, it is random.  I'll run Lazarus via GDB
> all day tomorrow to see if I can get some useful information out of
> the crashes.

That would be helpful for the Lazarus team, I think.
As Marc said: they cannot fix it if they cannot reproduce it.

> Another issue is Window Focusing.  Sometimes clicking on a window
> doesn't focus the window. Well, it does, but the Title bar of the
> window shows Inactive state and I can't see a text cursor in the
> editor window, yet I can type. It's quite tricky that way! :)

Do you have this with all window managers ?  
(I remember some fvwm-related questions from you, hence the question)
Because I don't seem to have it with KDE ?

> Restarting Lazarus sort that issue out for a while, that's if the
> crash does happen first.
> The rest of Lazarus IDE looks very nice though.  And I like the new
> setting dialogs.

I on the other hand, did not like this particular aspect... :-)

Seems that, as usual, Your Mileage May Vary :-)


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