On 04/12/2007, A.J. Venter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here is a sample generated by my current code:
> <FromDateTime>2007-12-03T15:10:45.000Z</FromDateTime>
> Does anybody know how it should be changed ?
> PS. The Z I found in a website sample which I used to generate this
> much... what does it mean ?

Hi AJ,

I'm not much help to your SOAP problem, but looking at the above
example, I would have expected that to work.  The date format is a ISO
8601 standard and is meant for internationally used applications with
dates, like the internet.   Except if the SOAP server developers where
idiots and used there local date format.

As for the 'Z', it refers to the timezone.   For more information have
a look at the following website. A handly link to bookmark.

Summary of ISO 8601  http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/iso-time.html

Below is what I use in the tiOPF and all my projects.  I've also
created a few functions converting between TDateTime and the
following... They have been unit tested as well.  The functions can be
found in the tiUtils.pas unit

  cIntlDateTimeStor = 'yyyymmdd"T"hhmmss';    // for storage
  cIntlDateTimeDisp = 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss';  // for display

Using the above, I have never experienced a date issue again (3 years
and counting). I even store dates as strings in databases.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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