> Documentation is scarce, therefore I asked you to add it to the wiki.

I will try to help to improve it for what I can !


Now open the package file (.lpk) of ACS. Click on the Options button. On

> the first tab (usage), there is a text box at the button. Add the
> following text:
> -dUseCThreads
> Now if you compile your an application which uses this package,
> -dUseCThreads is added to the command line parameters of the compiler.
> Therefore, the unit cthreads is used, if you are compiling for any unix,
> in particalur linux.
> Please, try this out and confirm it is working. If so, add it to the wiki:
> 1. in the FAQ
> 2. http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Lazarus_Packages
Thank you for these info. I'm not using these components but just trying to
help Bee with its problem. Anyway, I had not problems compiling and
installing these components, just an access violation when I attempt to put
on my form TACSAudioOut at design time under Windows and a crash with no
errors of Lazarus IDE windows under Linux. Other components seems to be ok.

Antonio Sanguigni alias slapshot
GioveLUG (Linux User Group) - http://www.giovelug.org
Edupup (Educational distro) - http://www.edupup.org

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