$ gdb lazarus.exe
(gdb) br main
No symbol table is loaded.  Use the "file" command.
(gdb) symbol-file lazarus1.dbg
Reading symbols from /cygdrive/d/lazarus/lazarus.dbg...done.
(gdb) br main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x401bf9: file lazarus.pp, line 77.
I need 3 steps because I don not change the mode lazarus call the GDB.
After my changes just a lazarus run to can use a stripped (as
--strip-all) compiled file with all the debug data in an external file
(and is possible debug also the LCL).


Wait a moment ! If this is possible with command line gdb, then it must be possible also from Lazarus IDE,right ? Or from executable itself to create stacktrace ? Could I just strip executable and provide external file .dbg and still get full stacktrace in case of exception ?

Thread continued on fpc-devel.


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