On 19/01/2008, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
> Well, the fault isn't Lazarus or it's developers. The problem is GTK!!
> (all bug reports you mentioned are Gtk specific)

Ah yes, now I remember someone mentioning something like that....

> I tryed very hard to solve the window color problem some time ago, but
> GTK just doesn't cohoperate. It's a rather problematic toolkit.

I remember I was told to use a custom theme file, but that would
change it for all application, and I needed to change colors based on
data entered in forms (validation things), so that solution was
totally useless.

> You mean like a new widgetset?

No, I mean like I am using fpGUI.  I use Lazarus IDE as my editor and
manage the fpGUI packages.  Lazarus simply thinks I'm creating a Free
Pascal application (not a Lazarus Application).

> * Having examples which don't use the form designer

Oh yeah, that could be a problem with MSEgui I think.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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