On Sat, 19 Jan 2008 19:17:37 +0200
"Graeme Geldenhuys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 19/01/2008, Mattias Gaertner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > No, I mean like I am using fpGUI.  I use Lazarus IDE as my editor
> > > and manage the fpGUI packages.  Lazarus simply thinks I'm
> > > creating a Free Pascal application (not a Lazarus Application).
> >
> > Is it possible to design fpGUI apps with the same trick as he KOL
> > package?
> I read some more on KOL at [http://kolmck.net/].  As I understand it,
> it's a miniture GUI toolkit used instead of VCL (under Delphi).  fpGUI
> is small, but not as small as KOL (their example showing 20k
> executables).  For example the fpGUI Visual Form Designer (which uses
> all available fpGUI components) is 600kb in size (debug information
> stipped).  So yes, it's much smaller that LCL in that sense
> As for the "same trick as KOL package" statement - could you explain
> this further?

You can design KOL apps and forms visually in Lazarus.
The trick is that KOL is quite LCL compatible and tells the IDE to be
treated like the LCL.


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