I observed that
        >As has often been pointed out in comp.std.c, there is NOTHING in any C or
        >C++ standard to forbid a compiler writer defining the end of line indicator
        >to be "end of record, preceded by any number of blanks".  There is NO 
        >requirement whatsoever that the "end of line indicator" be just the physical
        >end of record.

Derek M Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in reply:
        True.  But the compiler has to handle any strictly conforming program.

        I can write a strictly conforming program (using macros and stringizing)
        where a backslash followed by blanks, followed by end-of-record occurs.

Let's see it!  I've tried to think how it might be done.  AH!
               each non-white-space character that cannot be
                        one of the above*

        #define bar(x) #x<newline>
        #define foo(x) bar(x)
        #define fred<space>~\<space><newline>
        char *x = foo(fred);
        char *x = "~\";

[lcc and SPARCompiler cc like this, gcc doesn't.]
But if we change fred to
        #define fred<space>~\<newline>
then we get
        char *x = "~";

        A compiler that unconditionally turned this into a line splice
        would be faulty.
Well, no.  As I've said, a compiler is at liberty to define an end of
line indicator however it wants to.  Such a compiler would not "turn
this into a line splice", because it would be a compiler in which blanks
at the end of a line (logically) DID NOT EXIST.

I can find nothing in either C standard that requires a C system to
support blanks at the ends of lines.  I therefore deny that the translation
unit above *is* strictly conforming.  (Nothing in the C standard requires
a C system to support curly braces, either.  Hence trigraphs and digraphs.)

The output of the cc and lcc compilers is arguably incorrect; a \ is
supposed to be inserted before each " or \ in the replacement text of the
parameter.  I think it should have been "~\\", not "~\".

        The purpose of my reference to the #if macro DR was to point out
        that such a macro could not be used by a strictly conforming
        program within a #if directive.

The reason why foo(fred) can't be used within an #if is that it yields
a string, and strings can't appear in #if.  None of the macro _calls_
involves an embedded newline.

So far, the only way I know of that this can show up is a combination of
- stringizing, and
- the fact that ANY character not otherwise forming part of a token is
  allowed as a pp-token.
I think the last rule there is a bad one.

gcc -E produces workable output for this example, but gcc -c refuses
to compile it.  I don't think any realistic working code is likely to be
broken by a compiler that handles fixed records this way.

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