Here's my attempt at it:

After entering your username and password, it will fetch your ward directory, geocode the addresses, and map it. Your credentials are transmitted entirely over SSL, and are not saved.

I'm using for the geocoding, which works pretty well but isn't perfect -- some of my ward member's houses were in the wrong place. But my BYU ward isn't very interesting anyway, since all the markers are in one tiny clump.


Richard K. Miller

On Apr 5, 2006, at 4:02 PM, Todd Miner wrote:

What I'd really like to see is a mashup of the posted addresses on the ward web site with Google maps. Since I work at the stake level, I'd love to see all the stake members pinpointed on a map with different color pushpins for their ward assignments. I'm sure this is possible, and I have even found websites that will publish my spreadsheet full of addresses via Google maps - but they charge for their services.

Sounds like a great open source project.  :)

> Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 07:02:39 -0600
> From: "Ed Ashton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Ldsoss] RE: Welcome to the "Ldsoss" mailing list (Digest
> mode)
> Besides the rudimentary mapping on the lds website using mapquest does > anybody know of any other mapping or GIS related projects the Church has > embarked on? I'm a membership clerk in our local unit and have found using > ESRI's Arcview very helpful for leaders, members and missionaries to know
> where members live.  Not to mention the the plethora of other useful
> information that a GIS can contain.

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