> On 30 Apr 2001, at 2:08, Ewald Wasscher wrote:
>>> On 22 Apr 2001, at 14:34, Ewald Wasscher wrote:
>>>> 22-4    TODO: update all binaries to the _latest_ versions available? Is
>>>> this a good idea? That will probably use some additional diskspace
>>> Yes, definitely.  Fixes bugs and security problems.  I've heard "lack 
>>> of updates" classified as the number one security problem.
>> Someone just had to give that as an answer.
> Like me, eh?


>> The only problem is that 
>> some newer releases don't compile very easily with older 
>> glibc/gcc/binutils.
> I've found that the problems are actually minor in most cases: 
> usually it is a missing pcap.h - most programs seem to think it's in 
> the main include directory instead of pcap/pcap.h (sigh)...

Hmm, I guess that means I'll have to try again to compile all those 
bl%^$^% utilities.

> A few programs seem to use updated glibc networking headers, but most 
> things I've used don't have that problem.
>> So do you think it will be sufficient to track e.g. 
>> the latest debian security advisories or should all binaries in your 
>> opinion really be the _latest_ versions?
> I'd say they should be the *latest* versions - until you can't do it 
> any longer with the older glibc.
> I solved the problem by switching to glibc 2.1 - the bridge utils 
> won't compile under glibc 2.0 any longer...

Ah well I've been working on my private glibc-2.1 based Eigerstein already.

> Ironic that Matthew (the fellow who did Materhorn) was the 
> bridgeutils maintainer, and has now left it stagnate until someone 
> else picked it up.
AFAIK the 2.4 kernel needs other bridge utils than Matthew's so I 
suppose noone will ever pick it up.

Ewald Wasscher

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