Hi there,

i didn't wrote when you where discussing it (Quite busy with other things),
but my "dream" is to have a lrp/leaf system based on uClibc.
It is not usable for this right now but seems to go right into that
direction, and if it supports enough functions/binaries i would vote for that.
It is small and is good supported, although it may not be possible to
compile every program, but as more people seem to use this for their
embedded systems more programs that are really needed for
routing/scripting/firewalling should work than.

So maybe in half a year it gets really usable.

So what do you think (or did you already discuss this and i missed it ???)

-- arne
Arne Bernin                             Netropol Digitale Systeme
                                        Lagerstrasse 30a                        
Tel: +49 4043250000                     D-20357 Hamburg/Germany
Fax: +49 4028416740                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]    

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