On Fri, Jul 06, 2001 at 04:37:24PM -0400, David Douthitt wrote:
> What changes do you have to make to use 2.4?  I went through Dave's
> changes for root.lrp under 2.4, and pulled out iptables, ipchains, and
> ipfwadm; none are overly big.  Is this all the changes there are?  I
> noticed he changed /etc/init.d/network, but in Oxygen ALL firewall code
> is segregated from network code, so this should not affect Oxygen,
> right?

the changes are not so great compared to the changes between kernel 2.0 and
2.2, iproute and that stuff was also used with kernel 2.2 , though you might
still use ifconfig...

> How will iptables and the new networking code affect things like ntop,
> nmap, and tcpdump?

Well i run a kernel 2.4.5 on a debian potato (2.2) System, and nmap and
tcpdump work the way they should (and they are compiled for kernel 2.2), so
it should work. I have installed ntop and it seems to work , too.


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