With the help of Eric Wolzak I have updated my LEAF 2.4.x / Shorewall
based distro.

Many new features are available on the floppy:

  a.. Kernel 2.4.16 now used. New kernel config file. Includes in
particular support for PCMCIA, PPP, PPP/PPPOE, ISDN, USB and bridging

  b.. Use shorewall 1.2.2 allowing among many other things traffic
shapping & blacklisting

  c.. Pump (0.8.11-3) being used as default DHCP/BOOTP client to save
disk space (dhclient.lrp still OK)

  d.. networking script now fully debian/sid compatible. Dachstein's
/etc/network.conf, /etc/ipchains.conf and /etc/init.d/network
files/scripts completely removed

  e.. ifconfig (1.4.2) and ifupdown (0.6.4) available

  f.. new applets in bbox library (0.60.2)

  g.. new version of iproute2 (010824). tc patched to allow for HTB
queuing discipline

  h.. bridge now available as a separate package. Provides brctl from
bridge-utils (0.9.4)

  i.. ppp.lrp and pppoe.lrp provided in the standard distro for
serial/modem and adsl/pppoe connections. pppoe.lrp provides the PPPOE
2.4.16 kernel plugin. The ppp daemon is the 2.4.1 version patched for
kernel mode PPPOE available here.

  j.. pon, poff and plog scripts provided in ppp.lrp for ppp on demand.

  k.. weblet.lrp modified to handle iptable output. Do not need netstat

Also a user's guide is available. Check:

Jacques & Eric

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