First of all, I would like to thank-you, kitakura, for updating us
on your project and clarifying any assumptions that I made based
on what little information I interpreted from various websites. TY  :-)
I offer my apologies for any false information/assumptions that I may
have made!

On Monday 08 July 2002 19:26, kitakura wrote:
> Packages in  are
> GPL lisence.(and Other open source license decided by Auther.)
> WebAdmin is GPL. ( only japanese. a part is english)
> but,  since we assert license, the user interface code of WebAdmin
>  for [, such as VPN, ] a specific package is unacquirable in online.
> WebAdmin has the menu form which can be added.
> # And If not related to me, WebAdmin is used also for
> # firewall distribution of Japan in time.

So, the only closed-source code is some form of VPN application
that your distribution is using.... that is not easy to work around
either! Good job!

> config.lrp is also my code. it is GPL.This can gather configuration
> file written xxxx.conf. I think that it is useful.
> Webadmin.lrp,config.lrp,rc.lrp ,etc.lrp and root.lrp can not use
> other leaf distribution ,since they are  imcompatible.
> But other packages may be compatible with little modify,I think.
> A part of them includes code for Webadmin and rc.( but they are gpl.)


> But when webadmin is upgraded, a license may change.

I'm sad to hear that, but this is difficult to avoid when something
goes commercially owned. 

> # I'm developing kernel 2.4. It is going to use the linuxrc code of
> Bering. # I am thankful to many developers.

This is where I was really concerned. Are you using Bering and/or
Dachstein IDE code for "sale-only" products that do not have open
code equivilents (ie... floppy-only free offerings) or planning to use
Bering linuxrc code in something closed-source? I personally have
reservations about these possibilities, when it is not 100% personal
code in the particular application (not to reflect on any other
developer with this opinion).  

I guess what I am getting at is this: 
How would you feel if I modified Webadmin.lrp and release it as a 
closed-source commercial offering? I not saying that this is what is
being done... but rather looking at what _could_ happen at some point
in the future.

~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at

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