On Thursday 11 July 2002 14:36, Charles Steinkuehler wrote:

> > weblet runs script to gather all package conf files
> (/var/lib/lrpkg/*.conf files) to generate the configuration display
> component in weblet (to replace the hard coded one in the Dev Demo
> now)

We can add an init.d script to do this w/o any problem.

> > weblet runs script to gather weblet addon package conf files
> (/var/lib/lrpkg/w-xxxxxx.conf files) and to regenerate its
> /var/lib/lrpkg/weblet.conf file to these addon config files
> This is probably something for the init scripts to deal with (if
> required).

Maybe an added button on the form to reload the init script via "svi".

> > The idea here is to simplify the weblet system so that there is a
> small base dashboard (much like it is now) with the ability to add
> new components and manage them as easily as adding additional lrp
> packages.
> Any startup-time config should be handled by the init scripts
> (/etc/init.d & /etc/rc?.d/), but a lot of the site content should
> probably be generated "on the fly"...this shouldn't be too CPU
> intensive if a proper directory structure for weblet add-on packages
> is created. There is a project in progress to do this already...see
> the Richard's e-mail and weblet demo site.

Add a directory in the cgi directory for placement of the seperate
package modules. The module can be added to a package or 
manually this way w/o messing with lrpkg. A simple script that 
retrives a module list with "ls" would probably suffice. 

I am really against simply using the existing lrpkg system for this
config unless we can "text-to-html << cat <file>" and filter the 
file for "<option>=<value>" into a form decently. This option 
sounds more like a re-write of text-to-html and doesn't simplify
the base configuration as much as I'm hoping.


~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at users.sourceforge.net

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