Tom Eastep wrote:
Paul Traina wrote:

Actually, that's exactly what I was suggesting we do as well, although
there's not consensus about it.

Let me take a whack at it this afternoon and see how cleanly I can do
it.  If people like the results, great, if not, no worries.  The biggest
problem with the way I was /intending/ to do it was that I was going to
do it inside the Bering uClibc buildtool environment, and B-U is not the
only lrp based distribution out there.

I'll see if I can make it generic-LEAF friendly.

You can certainly use the '' script as a basis for building
and populating the directory tree. That's what is done when I build the
.rpm. Note the PREFIX environmental variable -- allows installing in a
directory other than /.



Would you be willing to refresh the lrp version /etc files to match what you believe they should be? I know you changed your policy on template stuff to reduce your support load, but the lrp versions don't represent that change. I've made some guesses, but... are you the maintainer of the lrp versions of these files, or is KP?

Your install script assumes it runs as root, which may not be correct if we're using PREFIX. Currently I'm using fakeroot as a wrapper to avoid dealing with the -o owner -g group arguments in install. I was thinking of patching your script to something like:

        if using prefix and `id -u` != 0
                OWNERSHIP="-o $OWNER -g $GROUP"

and then replacing the explicit stuff with $OWNAGE, but I didn't want to have to manage that patch outside of your environment.

I'll send you a patch along shortly showing you the differences between your LRP and what I am currently generating.

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