Am Sonntag, 2. April 2006 14:36 schrieb Jorn Eriksen:
> Hello all;
> >>We currently have three ideas how to provide an USB image:
> >>1) a complete image which can be dd'ed to /dev/sda and is ready to boot;
> >>this is what Jorn, Eric and Andrea tried to build and provided for
> testing.
> As far as I can see - my image is ready for prime-time.  Do we need to do
> something to make that happen?
> >>2) provide a tarball which can be dd'ed but have the user run syslinux to
> make
> >>it bootable (Natanaels proposal) - nothing to test yet.
> I guess this should be easy to create this from my image above.  If there
> is a need I can create this... Input anyone?
> >>3) a "pendrive-script", which creates a bootable USB stick by using the
> >>image and some modifications for USB - nothing to test yet, but maybe
> soon.
> >>(I like to add vfat or ext2 to the image, so the modules will be as easy
> >>loadable as with the ISO image).
> With no 1&2 above +  the docs update - would we need a standalone script at
> all?  Eric & I where theorizing around create a script similar to the ISO /
> FD image create script, that would create an image for USB Pen Drive's. 
> The script that DSL uses could be used as a "base" for thus using the
> loopback image model.


A default leaf.cfg like in the floppy images would be nice.
Eric pointed to the modules problem (they are truncated in the latest image).

Long term I'd like to see a solution which works without too much human 
intervention - similar to ISO/FD creation.. or if that doesn't work we may be 
better off with a script like in 3)?

But for the current version 2.4 we can add your image if the remaining pb's 
are solved.


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